Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Racism and Immigration, a view

Racism and Immigration, a view Free Online Research Papers This is in a nutshell my views and opinions of not so much the world, but of the â€Å"Land of the Free†, the United States of America that we live in. I unfortunately as a child learned quickly that I was different than all my peers. I grew up in Clyde, Ohio which is a small town that is still to this day is predominately a white city. It started to set in when I started school and realized that I was different than everyone else except my sister who was two grades ahead of me. See, I was raised by my grandparents on the Caucasian side of my family for reasons unrelated to the Hispanic ethnicity of my father’s family. My mother had never married my father and the step-father that she chose to have my two half-brothers with was a violent man towards his step-children. Actions that are still under question caused my grandparents to step in and file for full custody of my sister and I, and had no trouble doing so. Unfortunately my mom and brothers were left in that sort of situation and not till I was older and questioned it did I know why things were the way they turned out. After realizing the circumstances I see now that it was for the better of the two of us, I just wish the rest of my family could have gotten away also. I’m sorry to say that the older of my two brothers passed away in a vehicle accident almost one year ago, God rest his soul, but the younger of the two has been blessed with beautiful twin boys that are now four years ol d and smarter than ever. Now that there is some family background I will get back to the part when I noticed a difference. My grandparents insisted that all their children go through a Catholic Grade School, so with that it already narrowed class size down to twenty to thirty students per grade. Now in school the color of my skin wasn’t much of a factor, at least not that I actually heard. Matter of fact I think my diversity made me more appealing to the teachers to teach me, and also helped a little with the lady folk. Outside school on the other hand the public school students were not afraid to voice there opinion. I heard all kinds of different terms used most memorable being mexi-billy, due to the fact that I grew up in the country. Luckily I had quite a few of kids my age that lived nearby way out in the country, conveniently, who sometimes made fun but reassured that we were still friends and it was just harmless bull-shitting between us. As close friends give each other shit, thatâ€℠¢s just what we did to avoid boredom out in B.F.E. That was my childhood in a quick summary, and it was actually a pretty well rounded one, except for the sheltered ness of the conservative catholic upbringing. All that aside I enjoyed my childhood while I was in it. Although there was always those questions about my parents in the back of my head that I would just have to wait till I was old enough to figure it out for myself. I am now twenty-six with a beautiful girlfriend that has two children ages nine and eight from her previous relationship and one of my own on the way. Although I consider the two mine since I’ve been there for more than half their lives and love them as my own. I do believe that its love that makes up a family and not just blood, regardless of color, race, or gender preference. Now since we’ve all been together we have moved from Clyde, a small white powered town, to Sandusky, which is a little more diverse, to Huron, another small predominately white town. When I asked my nine year old daughter about the population difference between cities and schools they’ve attended she answered me â€Å"What difference† , she is unaware that color is a difference yet. She sees it as being a boy or a girl, you’re just born that way, and that’s wonderful to hear as a parent. One thing that does come into play in her life is the aspect of being one of the smarter kids in the class and shying away from raising her hand to often, afraid of being called a know it all or maybe worse. This idea coincides with an article I found in the Sandusky Register titled â€Å"Classmate’s criticism stuns smart student into silence.† This was actually a Dear Abby letter from a teen that was shun from answering teachers questions in clas s due to classmates criticism, this is an awful prejudice to use against someone and instead should be promoted. Now, on to my father, now 45, who was of Hispanic descent growing up in Clyde. He went through up to his tenth grade year of school until one day in science class the teacher asked a questioned. At first called on him, and when he hesitated to give out the answer the teacher spat out quote, â€Å"you wouldn’t know the answer anyway your just a stupid Mexican!† This as you could guess was the last day of his school career. Of course a meeting was arranged and the teacher was made to apologize, but it just wasn’t enough, he had humiliated him in front of twenty five other students who still would have thought it was fine to use such racial slurs. Now other the other side of the story was my mother who was white but also a woman. She stated when asked that it was just assumed men were more likely to prosper while women were to grow up to be housewives or possibly receptionists. She was the oldest of my grandparents children and also went to a catholic school where sex was a â€Å"hush, hush† discussion between students and wasn’t a topic for public discussion and definitely not at home. Now she has traveled all over the U.S. working and says the discrimination is still at its best. Mostly in bigger cities, which you wouldn’t think due to the vast amount of cultures. She has came to the conclusion that no matter what its you, yourself who needs to make a name for yourself and not expect things on silver platters regardless of color, race, or gender. Unfortunately racism and prejudices are things that are always going to be right around one corner or the other. Just like Tim Thomas in our first reading â€Å"A Year of Trouble† he might not have been doing anything at that moment but by running he showed suspicion and being a known traffic offender he made the officer perceive that maybe there was more going on at that moment. It’s tragic that it did end up the way it did in a casualty but according to the past and the area the officer thought that he was in danger, at least I hope. All wrapped up all these issues that have been discussed definitely will need to be worked on and polished for the rest of human existence. Hopefully it all comes around full circle when eventually everyone’s all the same color due to interracial couples, and no one can then point the finger without four pointing back at them. Research Papers on Racism and Immigration, a viewStandardized TestingHip-Hop is ArtWhere Wild and West MeetEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Spring and AutumnThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseQuebec and Canada

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How To Get People To (Actually) Read Your Content

How To Get People To (Actually) Read Your Content How do you make sure that people are actually reading your content? You may spend a lot of time making sure that your content is converting well and that your readers  are sharing it online, but is it actually being read?  How do you know? With all of the analytics and metrics at our disposal that tell us about  traffic, knowing if your content is being read is often a black hole for marketers. Thats a problem. Why You  Need To Make Sure That Your Content Is Being Read It can take a lot of time to produce great content, no matter how efficient your workflow is. As the old saying goes, time equals money, and it only makes sense to get as much out of your content as you can. After all, theres no ROI in  content that people arent  reading. Theres no ROI  on  content that  people arent  reading.  #ContentMarketingIn addition to driving traffic, content marketing is also about building your reputation as a thought leader in your field.  You need to establish yourself as someone your audience can trust for great advice and leadership. In order to make this happen,  you need to make sure that  you are writing highly-readable content. The other problem you may encounter is that content that is being created but not consumed is demoralizing. There is nothing more frustrating to a writer than content that doesnt seem to be going anywhere. Its up to you to make sure that doesnt happen. There are few things you need to consider about readable content. Consider How Visitors  Read Your Website In 2006, usability consultant Jakob Nielsen used eye tracking visualizations to observe how website visitors actually read your content. In short, his conclusion can be summarized as  F for  fast. His research found that: As readers, our eyes move incredibly fast across a  website. The pattern we use to view the page is not the typical left-to-right method that we learned in school. Rather, we typically read the page in a F-pattern that puts the most emphasis on the headline and the first few paragraphs of text. As readers scroll down the page, they tend to emphasize the left hand side of the page, skimming the remaining content rather than reading  it. Heatmaps from user eyetracking studies of three websites. The areas where users looked the most are colored red; the yellow areas indicate fewer views, followed by the least-viewed blue areas. Gray areas didnt attract any fixations. Jakob Nielsen Nielsens  results feel frustrating, but they are probably accurate. At , we  recently began testing how our own readers consumed our content using  a free heatmap tool from SumoMe. This simple plugin allowed us to create  heatmaps of our very own, using our actual readers as the sampling. This is what we learned about our own blog using heatmaps: Our readers are highly focused on our content because we have a very clean page. This is good. Our content followed the fairly typical F-pattern similar to Nielsons findings. As readers moved down the page, they tended to focus more on the left side of the content. On some posts, many readers didn’t make it past reading 20-30% of our content. Based on clicks, most sharing took place at the pages 35%  mark. Highlighted text, links, and headlines drew  plenty of  attention. Only 10-20% of readers actually make it to the bottom of the post. These finding line up with some of the most popular conclusions and findings regarding content. The longer your content is, the less likely that everyone  will read it.  That said, there are also many benefits of  long-form content so you need to find the right balance. You should also test this out for yourself. Consider Where They  Read Your Content How many people read your blog on their phone or tablet? I bet its more that you think. Research frequently shows that  consuming email,  searching the internet, and using social networks  are some of  the  most popular activities  done on a handheld  device. Many of these activities are resulting in click-throughs that are coming to your site on a mobile device. Do you like what they are finding? After a quick glance in our Google Analytics account, we found that 15% of our total traffic is coming from a mobile device. This is a significant amount of traffic. This means that you need to have a great mobile website or a  responsive website design  that automatically scales your website to work on any screen size. If you are using WordPress, this can be easily solved with a plugin like WPTouch or Automattic’s Jetpack plugin  which  offers a free mobile module that works quite well.   At , weve opted for the responsive design option, which gives our readers the  best experience possible on any device. This option also allows us to keep our lead collection initiates at the forefront as well. Another place that visitors may be  reading your content is from their  RSS reader or social application, such as Feedly. This is a good reason to make sure that your entire article is being included in your RSS feed. While sharing only a portion of your content may help you get a few extra clicks, it wont  make your content  any more  likely to be  read. People are reading your content in RSS readers like Feedly. Another place that your readers may be finding your content is their  email inbox. This is especially true if you rely on an email marketing program to distribute your content. I began thinking about this more when one of my coworkers recently shared how they handled email. They have broken it down so that they only check their email 3 times per day. Each time, they allow for 10-20 minutes, and they take action on all email, meaning that they either reply to it,   archive it, or create a t0-do item or task around the email content.  Ã‚  This method is efficient,  but it is also bad news for your content as it leaves little room for reading and enjoying useful  material. This leads to something that I call the context problem,  which are the reading problems that arise from the context in which your readers are consuming your content. Consider That Visitors  Aren’t Just Reading Your Content The really bad news about your content is that your readers have a lot more going on than just reading what you have to say. Whens the last time you simply sat quietly reading on your couch? Probably not nearly as often as youd like. In addition to reading your content, your visitors are  also  cooking dinner, riding the subway, checking their email, watching a movie, and emailing their mother-in-law  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ at the same time! How are you going to  compete with all of that? 1. Allow Each Sentence To Lead To The Next One of the most basic ways to keep your readers attention is to simply ensure that each sentence you write  compels  your readers to move on to the next. For example, the purpose of your headline is to get your readers to move onto the first sentence. The purpose of the second sentence is to get them to move on to the third. You get the idea. Keep your content compelling all the way through. 2. Follow  The Inverted Pyramid Model When You Write The inverted pyramid is a great tool for structuring your content in a way that readers will appreciate and consume. This is a method that newspaper journalists have been using for years. It works well because it puts the most pertinent information first, essentially embracing the idea that nearly 60% of your readers will never make it the end of the article. This method can also work well for your blog content. 3. Use Images To Make Your Concepts Simple Images are great way to break-up your content and spare your users from a sea of text. By using images to illustrate the concepts you are writing about, you also make them easier to understand and engage with. This type of content is consistent with Nielsens research and focus on scannable text. In many ways, this type of visual content is becoming more important than ever in content marketing. 4. Focus On Easily Scannable  Text In addition to images, you can  break up your content by creating text that is easy to scan and consume. Nielsens study offered several extremely useful tips on this: highlighted  keywords  (hypertext links serve as one form of highlighting; typeface variations and color are others) meaningful  sub-headings  (not clever ones) bulleted  lists one idea  per paragraph (users will skip over any additional ideas if they are not caught by the first few words in the paragraph) the  inverted pyramid  style, starting with the conclusion half the word count  (or less) than conventional writing In this chart, Nielsen gives us a great example of how different writing methods can be used to make text more readable. Source Jakob Nielson Warning: Youre Not Going To Read This, But You May Have Already Shared It We are now well past the 30% point of this post, which means that most of you are no longer reading this article. For those of you who are, heres another jaw-dropper for you to consider: recent research has shown  that there is no correlation between content that has been shared via social media and content that has been read.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Essay

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management - Essay Example They communicate this to others and develop strategies for achieving the vision. They also motivate workers and negotiate for resources and other supports aimed at achieving the organization’s goals. Managers on the other hand ensure that the organization’s resources are well organized and utilized to produce the best results (Cherie and Gebrekidan, 2005). However, due to dynamic nature of the world in which managers operates, they also need to be leaders. In health care delivery, it is common for nursing leaders and managers to apply different approaches in solving issues that affect the the health care facility. A case in point has been witnessed with regard to their approach to nursing shortage and turn-over. Carlton and the University of Colorado (2009) note that shortage of nurses is a significant crisis that impacts on the delivery of quality healthcare services. It is, therefore, very important for the nursing leaders and managers to understand the causes for the m to be able to tackle the issue. The major factors that have been singled out as the major contributors of nursing shortage include demand and supply issues such as job dissatisfaction, burnouts, and other challenges within the working environment (Carlton and University of Colorado at Denver, 2001). ... in this case entails, improving working condition and welfare of workers, improving salaries and other benefits that are competitive to instill satisfaction and motivate them. Another strategy used is carrying out recruitment immediately a shortage is realized (Cherie and Gebrekidan, 2005). 2. Compare and contrast how you would expect nursing leaders and managers to approach your selected issue. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings. Just as Carlton and the University of Colorado (2009) note, a good leader should have a sense of mission, must be decisive; charismatic and able to rally people to work together toward the achievement of a common goal. A leader must also be creative to be able to solve organizational problems and build a conducive working environment that produces satisfaction. A manager on the other hand must ensure that the institutional resources are well organized and utiliz ed towards achievement of best results (Carlton and University of Colorado at Denver, 2009). This implies that a manager ensures that things get done. With regard to the issue of nursing shortage and turn-over, I would expect the nursing leaders and managers to first address the issues that trigger nursing shortage and turn-over, especially those within their management control. This is due to my philosophy which is employee-based. This is a better strategy in my opinion and contrast with approaches of reorganization and restructuring used by some leaders and managers. This is because I believe that reorganization and restructuring alone may not motivate employees, a factor that has been identified as the major contributor of turn-over in thw nursing profession. Carlton and the University

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Individual application paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Individual application paper - Essay Example Which managerial ethics does he possess? On the other hand, I am the one with the problem. Alternatively, am I a perfectionist? All these questions do arise especially after Erick was elevated to that position of the general manager. Am not jealous of him but I think his actions are biased and unprofessional. This is because he usually hires his friends to work in the cafà ©, some of whom are not qualified. Furthermore, he no longer observes the training policies set down for the organization. Long before his appointment, we used to follow and respect the training policies of the organization. I think generally I don’t like Erick the manager. I do not know whether my dislike for Erick will create a negative attitude toward him or am just being biased. His style of management does not conform to the normal style of management which has been in existence since I joined Franklin group of companies. I do not welcome his tendency of hiring his friend to work in the restaurant because some are incompetent like Colleen. Take a scenario of an episode, which occurred last Saturday night, and you will agree with me. The policies of the restaurant stipulate that an employee cannot leave the cafà © at the end of the working period before being released by the manager. However, on the material Saturday, Colleen, one of the friends of Erick, the general manager, who was working in the restaurant as a waiter was to go home at 11.30 pm but was not yet released by the manager and she was still lingering in the dining room. Common sense dictates that as a worker in the restaurant and not yet released, you are entitled to work until the time the manager will officially release you. However, that was not the case with Colleen. To her, upon clocking 11.30 pm, she knew she was officially off. This clearly portrays how the training policies of the restaurants are no longer applied and the manager is not concerned even a little. Her behavior made me dislike her so much because

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Poverty In The United States Essay Example for Free

Poverty In The United States Essay Abstract This paper discusses the articles, percentages and researches conducted on online (internet) about the United States (U.S) and the issues with poverty in America. The typical ‘poor American lives in an air conditioning home with cable, televisions, and computers and among other luxurious purchases. While some of the poor face severe hardship, like finding nutriment and housing. This paper also explores the history, healthcare, and low income of the U.S., and allowing the opportunity for discussing how and who could make a change in the future of American’s. Poverty in the United States and the Research of Where We Are Today A record number of Americans are living in poverty, about 46 million. That’s more than at any time since the Census Bureau begun tracking poverty data Marisol, Bello (2011).Why is this such a problem? Would you say it’s because of political factors and history, or lack of healthcare, low incomes, and better yet the choices we make and what we spend as Americans? The â€Å"official poverty level† first seeped into government parlance in 1961 when the Social Security Administration needed an objective measure of poverty for statistical purposes David, Hilfiker (2010) writes in his article. Cuts in Federal assistance for housing programs and social services have corresponded, with the rise in homelessness in the U.S. , during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Federal housing programs and services nearly eliminated homelessness: however, during the 1980’s till now housing   programs were slashed by half and the homelessness population in the U.S. began to grow and is still growing. In 2013 fifteen percent of our population lives in poverty Marisol, Bello (2011). They say that the share of children living in high poverty neighborhoods and those with poverty rates of thirty percent or more has increased by one in ten, putting children at a higher risk than teen pregnancy or dropping out of school. (Associated Press 2013), also exclaims by 2030 based on the current trend of loss of income close to eight five percent of all working age adults in the U.S. will experience attacks of financial anxiety. The (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2013) says research is clear that poverty is the single greatest threat to children’s well-being. Is this what are young inspires have to look forward to? A life that is set up to fail before our children has a chance to succeed. We need to act fast and change these numbers, before it’s too late! The combination of the low jobs, extraordinary cost of living and outrageous unemployment rates only intensify these problems and force numerous Americans to choose between food, housing, and other expenses. Studies show that money devoted to food is typically the first to be sacrificed, and families will often pay their fixed payments first, such as rent, utilities, and a car payment, rather than pay for food(Associated Press 2013). Even lack of reasonable medical care is a far reach for the poverty. The cost of health care and insurance has escalated dramatically over the past years and can cost families up to eight thousand dollars a year for families or individuals that lack health insurance. If an accident, rapid illness, or chronic disease arise this can be financially overwhelming. Welfare procedure needs to address the root of poverty not simply the system (Robert Rector, Rachel Sheffield 2011). Between families with kids the failure of marriages and loss of the work ethic are the primary long term reasons of poverty. Maybe if we could get some durable well established programs to instill are community on how not to plummet into poverty or get out, we could dramatically alter are future as Americans. For most the term â€Å"poverty† suggest near deprivation, which means an inability to provide nutritious nourishment, clothing, and sensible housing for one’s household. So how are people managing in a world of increasing economical insecurity? How poor is poor? Did you know based on a survey done by the Census Bureau written by Rector et al.’s (2011) â€Å"Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning, in 1970’s only Thirty six percent of the entire U.S. population got to enjoy air conditioning. Ninety percent of the poor households have a microwave. Nearly three fourths have a car or truck and thirty one percent have two or vehicles. Two thirds have cable or satellite television. One halve of the poor population have a personal computer and one out of seven have two or more computers. More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, like the Xbox or PlayStation, and forty percent can afford internet access. One third has a widescreen plasma or LCD television†. It seems to me that the luxuries or significant purchases for the middle class a few decades ago have become a common place in poor households. With this said the letter by Dr. Roger Starner Jones was recognized by his frustration, as a tax payer by the stereo typical sentences he wrote. However; this Doctor as frustrated as he seemed, had little to know knowledge of the patients background or struggle of being unable to shake a life of poverty and help from the government. Nearly by the belongings she has. Why does the Doctor judge the Patient? Did he give her the medical attention that an American Citizen should receive? Or did he get so angry about the material things, she could of received as gifts or before her hard times, I believe he forgot the reason he became a Doctor. With one impossible choice after another between food, medicine, getting to work, and paying the heating bill. â€Å"Poverty is no longer an issue of ‘them’, but an issue of ‘us’,† says Mark Rank, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis Hi et al. (2010). We need to come together and discovery better resources to help our American people survive in hard times, and overcome our needs. We could possibly lower poverty by tackling its root causes, like low incomes and lack of reasonable housing, and by refining support services, like improving paying jobs, healthcare and housing. You never can predict the future, but you could be the next individual or family in crisis needing a helping hand. References Hilfiker, D., Tippett, K. (2010). A history of poverty in America. Onbeing.Org Bello, M. (2011). The poverty affects 46 million Americans. USA today 30.com Weekley,C., Associated Press.(2013). Four in five in the United States face near poverty, no work. Fox news.com/poverty Lawrence, S., National Center for Children in Poverty. (2013). Policies on welfare, marriage, and child well-being research. www nccp org. Rank, M The Associated Press. (2013). Poverty in America. www wjla com. Rector, R., Sheffield, R. (2011). Understanding poverty in the United States: surprising facts about America’s poor.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

J. R. R. Tolkien :: essays research papers

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, creator of a world. When someone who knows Tolkien is asked about his works, one thought comes to mind, Middle Earth. This was the playground in his mind that such vivid descriptions of fantasylands came from. It is the base of his most well known stories, where dreams are just the norm. J.R.R. may owe much of his success to his diverse beginnings. On April 16, 1891, Mabel Suffield and Arthur Reuel Tolkien were married in Bloemfontein, South Africa. They soon gave birth to John Ronald Reuel Tolkien on January 3, 1892, who was christened later that month. In April of 1895 Mabel took J.R.R. and his younger brother to Birmingham England. Arthur, their father, was supposed to follow them in a few months, however never does, as he dies shortly before his trip. This causes a struggling early life for John, moving constantly. At age 7 he took the entrance exam for King Edwards School, failed, but gained acceptance a year later and move closer to the school. The Tolkiens move several more times, and end up near the Grammar School of St. Philips, where John’s mother enrolls him to save money. J.R.R. won a scholarship, however, and returned to King Edwards to continue his studies. On September 14, 1904, Mabel Tolkien, John’s mother, dies after a diabetic coma. After the death of his mother, the guardianship of his brother and him was taken over by Father Francis Xavier Morgan, a priest of the Birmingham Oratory. In 1908, J.R.R. started his first term at Oxford, and in 1915 he was awarded First Honours degree in English Language and Literature. The following year, March 22, 1916, John Tolkien married Edith Bratt. Between the years of 1917 and 1929, the couple had four children together, John, Michael, Christopher, and Priscilla. Tolkien’s children had a great impact on his writings. One of the best instances of this is in his book Roverandom. In 1925, while on vacation with his family on the Yorkshire coast, four-year-old Michael Tolkien lost his favorite toy, a little lead dog he was reluctant to put down even to play on the beach. To console and distract him J. R. R. improvised a story, the story of Rover, a real dog magically transformed into a toy. After many fantastic adventures in search of the wizard who wronged him, at last he wins back his doggy life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Discobolus by Myron (Ancient Greek Art)

In any history, and above all in the history of art, there are two main aspects, from which the subject may be considered. The subject may be either studied from the point of view of general tendencies, the development of types and ideas, their national character, and the circumstances that surrounded and fostered their growth; or attention may be given to the achievements of individuals, their personality, and the contributions that they respectively made to the general progress.It is true that in any comprehensive study the two must be blended, must supplement and confirm each other. Whichever principle is followed to guide the selection and arrangement of the facts, the study cannot follow it to the entire exclusion of the other. Yet the artist is no less dependent upon external circumstances for the occasion and the material of his works.Had not the predecessors worked through generations of experiment and observation to improve the familiar types, to attain mastery over the stub born substance of marble and bronze, and to acquire and perfect a skilled technique in the treatment of the nude and of drapery, no sculptor of the fifth century could have conceived or executed the bold yet symmetrical contortions of the Discobolus. Had Myron been born a century earlier, he could no more have produced these works than if he had lived at the present day.Before the study approaches the work of this individual master, it may be advisable to take a more general survey of the character of Greek sculpture, as contrasted with earlier and later styles. No art, and especially that of sculpture, can make true progress unless it is constantly kept in touch with nature by observation. Here again the social surroundings of the Greek artist gave him an immense advantage over all others. The daily exercises in the palaestra or gymnasium and the frequently recurring athletic festivals gave him constant opportunities for observing the human form both in rest and in action.This perf ection of condition and of all-round muscular development with the help of a well-trained memory is one of the chief attainments of Myron. For the observation of drapery, too, he had constant opportunities in the figures that surrounded him in daily life. There he could see a variety and grace of texture and of folds such as no draping of a model in unfamiliar garments and materials could ever have suggested. It is true that the same opportunities for varied observation did not exist in the case of the nude female figure.It is perhaps for this very reason that Greek statues of this type, however beautiful in form, rarely if ever impress us with the same breadth and nobility of conception as the corresponding male figures, whether of gods or men. The feeling of the Greeks themselves about the matter is well illustrated by the story of Zeuxis at Croton , how the people of that town, when they commissioned him to paint a picture of Helen, and wished to give him every opportunity for ex celling himself in such a subject, allowed him to see a selection of the most beautiful of their maidens just as freely as he could see their brothers exercising in the palaestra.This is evidently the meaning of the story, though it is misinterpreted by some later authorities in accordance with the eclectic spirit of their own age. Myron was a Greek sculptor. He is supposed to have been a pupil of Ageladas of Argos, but he worked largely in Athens. Sculpting in bronze, he was noted for his animals (of which no examples have survived) and for his athletes in action. His works are known through descriptions by ancient writers, such as Pliny and Pausanias, and two of them by copies, the Discobolus (Gr. discus thrower), the best copy of which is the Lancelotti Discobolus in Rome (Terme Museum), and Athena and Marsyas, of which there are also Roman copies . We know but little about Myron’s life. He was a native of Eleutherae, a town on the frontier of Attica and Boeotia. To judge from the list of his works and the places where they were set up, he must have enjoyed a reputation throughout Hellenic lands. The statues of athletic victors from his hand could be seen at Olympia and at Delphi. However, several of his most famous works were in Athens, and it is probable that his artistic career was mainly associated with that city.He is recorded, however, to have been a pupil of the Argive sculptor Ageladas, who was for a long time the acknowledged leader of the Peloponnesian School of athletic sculpture; and it is said that his fellow-pupils were Phidias and Polyclitus. The dates of Myron’s artistic career can be fixed with certainty by the Olympiads of the victors whose statues he made; Lycinus won in 448 B. C. , and Timanthes in 456; Ladas probably in 476; but so famous an athlete may have had a statue set up in his honor some years after the event.The traditional date given by Pliny, which makes Myron a contemporary of Polyclitus, is evidently wrong. Hi s son Lycius was employed on an important public commission, the statues set up by the knights of Athens at the entrance to the Acropolis, about 446 B. C. We must, therefore, assign the artistic activity of Myron himself to the first half of the fifth century. His early manhood must have coincided with the period of the Persian wars. Of the great men of this period, our knowledge, after all, is most unsatisfactory.Only one of the transitional sculptors who are mentioned by ancient writers, Myron, has a definite personality. He was clearly an artist of decidedly individual tendencies, who can hardly be called typical of any school. Though all of Myron’s works have perished, we have copies of at least two of them, from which we can gain a fairly clear idea of this ancient master. This is the first time that we have had to deal with copies, and it may be worthwhile, therefore, to digress for a moment and consider the nature of the copies on which much of our knowledge of ancient sculpture depends.In the later days of antiquity, especially after the Roman conquest of Greece, there was evidently an enormous demand for reproductions of the famous works of Greek sculpture, and numerous artists devoted themselves to supplying this demand. Some seem to reproduce their originals with considerable exactness; others are obviously far inferior to them. Often one copy was made from another, and sometimes the copyists did not hesitate to alter the originals in details, so that many of their productions are reflections rather than copies, in any exact sense.One very common alteration was the addition of a support in the form of a tree-stump or some other object. This was almost always employed when the copyist, as frequently happened, was working out a marble copy of a bronze original. Moreover, mutilated ancient statues, when they were dug out of the ground, were commonly handed over to a marble-worker for â€Å"restoration†, that is, for the addition of legs o r heads or noses, whatever, in fact, was necessary to make the statue complete.Thus, we have constantly to keep in mind that in dealing with copies, the problem often is to determine, from several widely divergent and differently restored copies, the general appearance and the details of an ancient statue. This method of procedure is excellently illustrated by the most famous of Myron’s works, the Discobolus, or Discus-thrower. The copies of this, which have been found, vary greatly in details. All are marred by the supporting tree-stump, though this was differently treated by different copyists.Only one has a head, which has never been broken off and which shows the original position, as it is described by Lucian. One fragmentary copy was completely misunderstood by the sculptor to whom it was handed over and restored as a fleeing Niobid! The Discobolus is justly famous for its splendid suggestion of vigorous manhood, its bold pose, and its perfect balance. If it were not fo r the formal locks of hair, the rather expressionless face, and some ancient evidence, which fixes the career of Myron in the first half of the fifth century, the statue might well be regarded as a work of the great age of Greek sculpture.As it is, we must probably assign the original to the years just before 450, and regard the unusual freedom with which it is conceived as proof of the originality of Myron rather than as evidence of a general adoption of such active poses by the men of the transitional time. Such an inference is borne out by some other works of the master, such as his group of Athena and Marsyas, and especially his Ladas, a statue of a runner poised on tiptoe just as he reached the goal, a work of which only literary accounts are preserved.Moreover, down to the time of Alexander the Great such violent action as is suggested by these works was rarely represented by the Greek sculptors. These particular innovations, therefore, were little imitated by Myron’s i mmediate successors, but there can be little doubt that much of the progress made during the transitional period was due to his initiative. In compensation for this cooling of ancient enthusiasm, we may perhaps extenuate the one weakness noted by the ancients. He was accounted a master of anatomy and action, but weak in the rendering of the face.Conceding that the faces are not very expressive, it may be doubted whether this is altogether a weakness. It is questionable whether the athletes whom he represents were very expressive of countenance, and it is altogether certain that their faces were not the subject of chief attention. In still further subordinating facial expression, Myron is but following the great law of concentration, which is recognized in all great art. Probably he could not in any case have been a master of psychic analysis, but it is more than doubtful if his themes would have gained by such mastery.Other masters of the same theme long betray the same tendency. My ron was the earliest of the great masters of Greek sculpture. That is to say, he was the earliest sculptor whose works appeared, even to critics who were familiar with the whole range of later art, to be admirable alike for the boldness and originality of their design and the skill of their execution, and who was spoken of in the same breath with Polyclitus and Lysippus, with Phidias and Praxiteles. Quintilian himself declares that to find fault with the Discobolus argues a lack of appreciation of art.The Dorian sculptor Myron specialized in athletes. A marble copy found in Rome demonstrates the way a sculptor may at the same time hold to conventions and reach out toward new forms. The Discus Thrower is really designed to be seen only from the front. Anyone who moves around to the side of this piece can see that it is all on a flat plane. The general line of the figure, which starts with the left foot and runs up through the arms, ending in the discus, suggests somewhat the tension of an opened spring, which will snap shut and propel the wheel into space.The muscles appear about as natural as those in the contemporary Olympian pediment sculpture, and yet this is a single figure. Up to that time, single figures had always some religious significance and therefore remained columnar or geometric. This one is frankly realistic and may have been made pretty much for its own sake. It was no new departure in art for Myron to represent an athlete practicing the exercise in which he excelled. His great attainment, as exemplified by the Discobolus, was the choice of a subject and a moment that was suitable to representation in sculpture.He appears to have been the first to realize the principle, never afterwards violated in Greek sculpture of the best period, that a statue or a sculptural group must be complete in itself, must possess a certain unity and concentration, so as to attract and contain the interest of the spectator within the work itself, and not to direct i t to other extraneous objects, nor even to allow it to wander away. In the Discobolus, the self-contained completeness in the action finds its expression and counterpart in the lines of the composition itself.It may be, as Quintilian says, labored and contorted, but the result is not, as might have been expected, restless in effect or tiring to the eye, because every part is in harmony with the whole, and the eye is carried on by an easy and pleasing succession of outlines round the whole contour of the figure . Beside this excellence of artistic composition, the clever choice of the right moment for representation and of an athletic exercise in which such a moment occurs must also be allowed their merit.The disc or quoit was not aimed at any mark, but merely hurled as far as possible in a given direction, as in the modern competitions of putting the weight or throwing the hammer. Therefore, there was no need for the eye of the competitor to be turned towards a distant goal, but the head could follow the motion of the arm that swung the quoit, the position of the feet sufficing to define the direction of the throw.A false restoration, which makes the thrower turn his head toward this direction, not only produces a painful and even impossible attitude, but also destroys the harmony of the composition, by breaking in upon the system of concentric curves in which every member of the body follows the swing of the extended arm. Athleticism, however, gave one important thing to the Greeks. It was from the models in the palaestra and the stadium that the sculptors of Greece drew their inspiration.It was of course an immense benefit to that art to be able to see the stripped body at exercise in the sunlight, and that, coupled with the natural Greek sense of form, is the secret of the unchallenged supremacy of Greek sculpture. Perfect anatomy of the body was achieved even before the face could be properly rendered. The nude male figure was the favorite theme of fifth-c entury art, and extraordinary perfection was reached by Myron. Myron’s Discobolus is, of course, one of the best known of ancient statues. There are few statues of the fifth century, which thus select an instant out of a series of movements.In the Discobolus, the clear lines of demarcation are not inconsistent with a correct and skilful modeling of the surface. The effect is perhaps somewhat dry, and suggests the appearance of a man in hard training, and even the tension of muscles that would not be exerted at the moment of action is portrayed. However, what convention is left is so thoroughly harmonized with the results of fresh observation as to give the impression of a living body, and to justify the criticism applied to Myron by ancient critics, that he â€Å"almost captured the souls of men and animals in his bronzes† .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Accounting for Small Business Essay

ABSTRACT SMEs play a very important role in India’s economy and have a great potential for strengthening the real sector in India. But there has not been appropriate infrastructure yet which is accounting system to show the business feasibility. Traditional business in Indian Villages had been started by a family and ancestors, but has gotten bigger now. This business has many strengths and weaknesses. Based on the condition and background, the proposed-accounting system has been developed. It has been also successfully tested for a month transaction and revised. Adding knowledge management into accounting system is an alternative way to develop the proposed-accounting system. The four modes of knowledge creation will facilitate the business and its owner to add some modules in accounting system and to reengineer the business process. See more: Distinguish between problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping Essay INTRODUCTION: Small business plays a very important role in India’s economy, particularly in aspects increased employment, income generating, economic development. In addition, this sector is considered as a driving force for the rural economy. But until now there are still many problems to hinder the small business growth. Facts in the Asia Pacific region revealed that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) employ about 60 percent of the workforce. Only 10 percent of the total companies in Asia Pacific which is a big business, the rest are SMEs. For India, according to Small & Medium Business Corner (SMBC) data in 2012 the numbers of micro, small and medium enterprises develop into 130 Lakhs (http://www.smeindia.net/export_schemes/OverviewofMSME.html) by giving employment to 410 Lakhs people and able to contribute to the total national GDP amounted to 8-9 percent in 2012. Basic problem of management in small business is inability of owners to determine their management style that appropriate with the business need and development stage. In early stage of business, family management style leads to one-man show. According to improvement of business environment, that conventional style could not be pushed longer. Especially in financial management, the business owners could not be able to separate the financial management of business and family yet. Besides, they have not well planned, managed and reported periodically yet. It is caused by there is no appropriate infrastructure which is accounting system. The impact is that the owners of small business have difficulties to cooperate with external such as bank or another financial institution. The owners have difficulties to show their feasibility business when they want to propose credit or make a business contract with another business. Based on the importance of an accounting system, this research results a proposed-accounting system which can be applied by owners of small business in India. The proposed-accounting system is a generic model of purchasing and selling system that should be enhanced according to business need and by refer to the knowledge management approach. LITERATURE REVIEW: ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: According to Gillespie, accounting system is an organization of document, form and report which is managed to provide information for management. Based on that definition, elements of accounting system are documents, forms and reports, but still concern with procedure and internal control. Therefore, proposed-elements in this study will refer to it. SMALL BUSINESS: Under the law of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (2008), definition of SMEs in India is explained by the table below. Based on the definition, the research object is categorized as a small business. DEFINITION OF SMES IN INDIA Enterprises engaged in providing or rendering of services (i) A micro enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in equipment does not exceed Rs. 10 lakh; (ii) A small enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in equipment is more than Rs.10 lakh but does not exceed Rs. 2 crore; and (iii) A medium enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in equipment is more than Rs. 2 crore but does not exceed Rs. 5 crore. Enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production, processing or preservation of goods (i) A micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 25 lakh; (ii) A small enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 25 lakh but does not exceed Rs. 5 crore; and (iii) A medium enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs.5 crore but does not exceed Rs.10 crore. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: System development in this study will follow the three main steps a.System analysis: Activities in this stage are initial study, feasibility study, requirement definition, and specification system arrangement. b.System design:   After finishing system analysis, the next activities are system design, system building and system testing. c.System implementation:   Based on system testing, a revised system will be established. Finally, system is implemented and operated. At this stage, company will conduct maintenance activity. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Since this study wants to develop a proposed-accounting system, â€Å"Research and development† approach which is applied in this study is a research program that is followed by a development program. It is a combination of descriptive study that describes the actual phenomenon in an object and exploratory research that develops a proposed -accounting system. A proposed-accounting system is focused on purchasing and selling system since those are the main activities in the business. The location of this study, Traditional small business in Indian Villages, was chosen on purpose, because this business in the Villages has significantly improved in sales and human empowering, also government is paying attention by giving assistantship for both management and technology. Primary data of this study was the results of guided interviews and observation. The steps of this study are designed as follow: a.Initial study Preliminary research was conducted to comprehend previous studies and literature, guided questionnaire drafting, and Traditional business understanding. b.System requirement defining At this stage, the data was obtained by interview with business owners and observation directly to the business. By understanding the research object condition and background, also the strength and weakness, the accounting system requirement could be defined. c.Development of proposed-accounting system At this stage, development of proposed-accounting system was managed by interviews, observation, and group discussion among owners, researcher and government, related to main accounting system elements, which are document, form and report. In its development, knowledge management approach was proposed to use since it can facilitate business daily operation into business standard operation. The result of this stage was a proposed-accounting system. d.Testing and implementation Testing was accomplished by implementing the proposed system to handle a month transactions. Owners and their staff used it to run transactions of purchasing and selling for a month. By running the system, problems were found and then they were used to revise the system. At this stage, a revised-accounting system was established. e.Conclusions and recommendations In the final stage of this study, conclusions and suggestions from all research processes were stated. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: PROFILE OF TRADITIONAL BUSINESS IN INDIAN VILLAGES: India is one of the major exporter and supplier of handicrafts and gift products to the world market. The Indian handicrafts industry is highly labor intensive and decentralized, being spread all across the country in rural and urban areas. The sector is considered as the second largest employment-generating sector after agriculture with numerous artisans engaged in craft work on a part-time basis. The industry offers employment to over 6 million artisans, including a large number of women and people from the weaker sections of society. The present day handicraft tradition of India is a perfect example of assimilation between the traditional designs and modern techniques. The fast growing demand for Indian handicraft and gifts products have made this sector a full-fledged large scale organized industry that is growing day by day. History The rich history of India’s craft tradition has evolved over the centuries offering a legacy of Indian culture promising everything – beauty, dignity, form and style. The variety is comprehensive and ranges from age-old stone carvings to modern handicrafts making use of glass flints and mirrors. The most popular crafts, include metalware, earthenware, pottery, sculpting, woodwork, hand-printed textiles and scarves, embroidered and crocheted goods, shawls, zari products, stone carving and imitation jewelry. There is a myriad of art and craft traditions in India that depend on social, economic and regional factors. The present status of the sector in India owes much to the rich crafts history and tradition of the past. Majority of the crafts from the past continues to flourish due to their utilitarian characteristics, availability to the common people and popularity in domestic and global markets. Today, some of the sectors within the craft industry have even become full fledged industries in their own, like – carpet weaving, traditional textile (Banarsi silk sari, Chikankari etc), gem cutting and polishing, jewelry making, the world famous diamond cutting and polishing industry, brassware, jute products, etc. The growth of these industries is due to their ever-increasing demand and the popularity of Indian crafts in the domestic market and overseas. Gems and jewelry, carpet making, metalware, leather products, jute products etc. are some industries, which are growing rapidly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bipolymers- Cyclodextrin essays

Bipolymers- Cyclodextrin essays 9.221 Recent Development and use of.... Q) Use available evidence to gather and present data from secondary sources and analyse progress in the recent development and use of a named biopolymer. This analysis should name the specific enzyme(s) used or organism used to synthesise the material and an evaluation of the use or potential use of the polymer produced related to its properties. Cyclodextrin was first discovered by Villiers in 1891 although back then he called it cellulosine. Later Shardinger discovered that there were actually three types of Cyclodextrins; alpha, beta and gamma. By the mid 1970s all these different complexes could be chemically characterized. We have found that Cyclodextrin can be synthesized in nature via an enzyme called, cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase or enzyme CGTase for short. Below is a picture of CGTase: The catalytic site is the area in which it brings together the many sugars to form the actual cyclodextrin. This enzyme can be naturally found in some organisms including Bacillus Macerans. Further below is a picture of cyclodextrin, it is made up of seven glucose rings and are stuck together through the CGTase enzyme. With cyclodextrins being around for over 100 years why is it that we have recently just been able to apply them to many uses, some reasons are that there have been very high costs in developing the cyclodextrins, the availability of the chemical and enzyme and the general conception that these cyclodextrins were toxic. Yet only recently have scientists been able to develop cheap effective ways of the production of cyclodextrin and the detoxifying of these cyclodextrins which have provided many uses for them throughout our life. The first major use for these cyclodextrins is in the pharmaceuticals industry which is now heavily using cyclodextrin in many of their drugs. The reason why they use cyclodextrin is because it: -Enhance the drugs poor aqueous solubility ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of John Lee Love, Black Inventor

Biography of John Lee Love, Black Inventor John Lee Love (Sept. 26, 1889?–Dec. 26, 1931) was a black inventor who developed the portable pencil sharpener, which he patented in 1897. Not much is known about his life, but he is remembered for two inventions, the other being a plasterers hawk, which works much like an artists palette for a plasterer or mason. In the pantheon of African-American inventors, Love is remembered for devising small things to make life easier. Fast Facts: John Lee Love Known For: Inventor of the Love pencil sharpenerBorn: Sept. 26, 1889? in Fall River, MassachusettsDied: Dec. 26, 1931 Charlotte, North Carolina Early Life John Lee Love is believed to have been born on Sept. 26, 1889, though another account lists his birth year as sometime between 1865 and 1877 during Reconstruction, which would have put his place of birth in the South. Not much else is known about Loves early days, including whether he had any formal schooling or what prompted him to tinker with and improve certain everyday objects. We do know that he worked almost his entire life as a carpenter in Fall River, Massachusetts and that he patented his first invention, an improved plasterers hawk, on July 9, 1895 (U.S. Patent No. 542,419). First Invention The plasterers hawk traditionally had been a flat, square wooden board, about 9 inches long on each side, with a handle- basically, a post-like grip- that is perpendicular to the board and attached to its bottom. By putting the plaster, mortar, or, later, stucco on top of the board, the plasterer or mason could access it quickly and easily with the tool being used to apply it. The new design functioned much like an artists palette. As a carpenter, Love was likely well acquainted with the use of plaster and mortar. He believed that the hawks in use at the time were too bulky to be portable. His innovation was to design a hawk with a detachable handle and a foldable board made of aluminum, which must have been a lot easier to clean than wood. Portable Pencil Sharpener Another of Loves inventions, and one better known than the plasterers hawk, had a much wider impact. It was the simple, portable pencil sharpener, the predecessor of the small plastic device that has been used by schoolchildren, teachers, college students, engineers, accountants, and artists the world over. Prior to the invention of the pencil sharpener, a knife was the most common instrument used to sharpen pencils, which have been around in one form or another since Roman times (although pencils werent mass-produced in a form familiar to us until 1662 in  Nuremberg, Germany). But whittling a point on a pencil was a time-consuming process, and pencils were becoming more and more popular. The solution soon hit the market in the form of the worlds first mechanical pencil sharpener, invented by  Parisian mathematician Bernard Lassimone  on Oct. 20, 1828 (French patent number 2444). Loves reworking of Lassimones device seems intuitive now, but it was revolutionary at the time. Basically, the new model was portable and included a compartment to capture the shavings. The Massachusetts carpenter  applied for a patent for what he called his improved device  in 1897, and it was approved  on Nov. 23, 1897 (U.S. Patent No. 594,114). His design didnt look much like todays portable sharpeners, but it worked by a similar principle. The pencil was inserted into a conical sheath and was moved in a circle, causing the sheath and the blade inside it to rotate around the pencil, sharpening it. Instead of turning the pencil against the blade, as with todays portable sharpeners, the blade was turned against the pencil by the circular motion. Love wrote in his patent application that his sharpener could  also be designed in a more ornate fashion to be used as a desk ornament or paperweight. It eventually became known as the Love Sharpener, and his principle has been in continuous use since he introduced it. Legacy We dont know how many more inventions Love could have given the world. Love  died, along with nine other passengers, on Dec. 26, 1931,  when the car they were riding in collided with a train near Charlotte, North Carolina. But his ideas left the world a more efficient place. Sources John Lee Love  Biography: Inventor. Biography.com.John Lee Love: Inventor of the Portable Pencil Sharpener. KentagePage.com.Pencil Patents: John Lee Love’s Portable Pencil Sharpener. Pencils.com.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research the economics of making a career as an equestrian and write a Essay

Research the economics of making a career as an equestrian and write a 4 page paper about it - Essay Example In the US, one of the cities where the equine industry is booming is in the New York City. According to a study done in order to determine the economic impact of this industry in this city revealed that there are over 1.7 million equine divisions in the city. In 2011, the industry generated more than 4.2billion dollars. This, according to analysts is equals to creating 33, 000 full time jobs. The exact job impacts, however, totals 12, 903 direct jobs and 20,088 indirect jobs making a total of 32, 991 careers from the Equine industry in this city. The study also revealed that the equine industry has spread in the different counties in the cities meaning that they are not concentrated in one area. Racing was identified as one of the areas with the highest divisions with other careers such as training and breeding following suit. There are also jobs in the racing museums all located in this city (NYT Breeders). Economic impact of careers in this industry is either categorized as direct or indirect impact. Indirect impact is obtained from the direct expenditures that stem from the local vendors and the racing entities. Indirect or the induced impact, on the other hand stems from the high household incomes obtained from direct employment in the equine industry. Household spending makes sure that the money obtained is injected in the economy and that local activities are enhanced or funded as a result. The induced impact is also as a result of increased tourism and the availability of visitors who are willing to spend on businesses such as restaurants and gas stations (NYT Breeders). The major economic impact is obtained from breeders, racehorse owners and trainers. This is because their direct economic impact is 52% while jobs in this area are at 52%. Costs in this area are mainly related to horse care and farm care expenditures. Some of the fees included in these